The authors examined the effect of school-related social support from teachers, classmates, and parents on students' life satisfaction that school satisfaction, scholastic competence, and general self-efficacy, respectively, mediated. The authors based the analyses on data from a nationally representative sample of 13- and 15-year-old students (N = 3,358) from the Norwegian part of the 6th World Health Organization international survey of Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (C. Currie et al., 2004; T. Torsheim, O. Samdal, B. Wold, & J. Hetland, 2004). The authors used the analytic approach of structural equation modeling through the statistical program Mplus (5th ed.; L. K. Muthen & B. O. Muthen, 2007). Results confirmed the importance of self-related domains, such as general self-efficacy, to students' life satisfaction. Teacher support strongly related to school satisfaction. On the basis of significance tests between correlations, school satisfaction more strongly related to girls' life satisfacti...