The analysis of Guangxi's cultural and creative industries development
Chengming Cao
Cultural and creative industries are a kind of practice which canonizes innovation and emphasizes blend of culture and economy at the background of knowledge economy. Cultural and creative industries not only promote economy development and exalt urban competitiveness, but also engender community consciousness in psychology and shapes urban whole image. Cultural and creative industries are the new points of growth in the economic development of the city. With the economic system switch, industries upgrade, city functional shift, the independent innovation has becoming the national strategy. The creative industry has brought the huge benefit for the society and economic development. At present, many cities and areas already started to develop the creative industry. Against the backdrop of the industry tend toward gathering, Guangxi's creative industries keep continuous rising, industrial development obtains the new environment, shows the new features, faces the new problems and expects the new idea, and shows the new development direction and development tendency under the guidance of the party's "China's 17th Communist Party Congress". Against this major background, the article maintains that Guangxi should conform to historical, energetically develop creative industries, and give top priority to the development of cultural and creative industries. The paper analyzes the conditions, advantages, methods and others of Guangxi's cultural and creative industries.