ABSTRACT Background: Bone substitutes should have osteoconductive properties and be completely replaced with new bone with time. Adding collagen gel to prehydrated and collagenated porcine bone (PCPB) particles results in a sticky and moldable material which facilitates clinical handling. However, the possible influence of the gel on the bone tissue response is not known. Purpose: The objective of the study was to evaluate the bone tissue responses to PCPB graft with or without collagen gel and to evaluate the resorption/degradation properties of the biomaterials. Materials and Methods: Fourteen rabbits were used in the study. Bilateral bone defects, 5 × 8 × 3 mm, were created in the maxilla and filled with PCPB + collagen gel (test) or with PCPB only (control) and covered with a collagen membrane. Animals were killed after 2 ( n = 3), 4 ( n = 3), and 8 weeks ( n = 8) for histological and morphometrical evaluations. Results: There were no differences between test and control defects. Both materials showed bone formation directly on the particles by typical osteoblastic seams. The bone area increased with time (2–8 weeks) for both sides, from 16.2% (control) and 19.2% (test) to 42.7 and 43.8%, respectively. The PCPB, whether mixed with collagen gel or not, was resorbed by osteoclasts as well as part of remodeling with the formation of osteons within the particles. Morphometry showed a decrease of PCPB area from 19.4% (control) and 23.8% (test) after 2 weeks to 3.7 and 9.3% after 8 weeks, respectively. Conclusions: Mixing collagen gel and PCPB to facilitate the clinical handling does not influence the bone tissue responses to the material, which exhibited osteoconductive properties and was resorbed with time.