Accurate therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of vancomycin, meropenem, linezolid and teicoplanin are conducive to developing optimal therapeutic regimes for patients. However, the measurement status of those drugs in different laboratories has not been reported. In this study, four samples including two frozen plasma samples and two lyophilized plasma samples were measured by over 35 laboratories across China. The inter- and intra-laboratory %CV, biases (%) of laboratories and intra- and inter-measurement-system %CV were calculated and analyzed. The short-term stability and homogeneity of those drugs in samples were studied. The results of frozen and lyophilized samples were also compared to determine whether there were significant differences in their matrix effects on various measurement systems. Results showed most laboratories' intra-laboratory %CVs were less than 9% for all drugs, and the mean inter-laboratory %CVs were 18.4%, 86.4%, 19.1% and 37.1% for vancomycin, meropenem, linezolid and teicoplanin measurements, respectively. For vancomycin, the intra-measurement %CV of commercial measurement systems was found to be smaller than that of other measurement systems. For meropenem, linezolid and teicoplanin, the agreement among laboratories using self-developed methods (Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry [LC-MS] or high-performance liquid chromatography [HPLC]) was not satisfactory as most intra-measurement system CVs% were over 20%. Drugs in lyophilized samples were found to be more stable than in frozen samples, and no obvious differences in matrix effects were found for those two kinds of processed samples on most measurement systems. In conclusion, this study depicted the measurement status of those drugs in clinical laboratories, and found the lyophilized samples were more suitable EQA material for those drugs.