To develop a specific supportive care needs scale for patients who have undergone radical cystectomy, and to assess its reliability and validity.The clinical test version of the scale was developed based on literature review, qualitative interviews, Delphi method, and a pretest. The reliability and validity of the scale were assessed in a cohort of 603 patients who had undergone radical cystectomy at 5 Grade A hospitals in Chongqing, China.The final scale included 26 items across the following 7 dimensions: health information needs, social needs, family support needs, physiological needs, sexual needs, daily activities needs, and psychological needs. The content validity index was 0.991 and the content validity indices of each item ranged from 0.889 to 1.00. Seven factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis and the cumulative contribution of variance accounted for 70.762%. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good fit of the model (X2/df = 1.595, GFI = 0.904, IFI = 0.943, TLI = 0.932, CFI = 0.942, RMSEA = 0.044, and RMR = 0.026). The Cronbach's ɑ coefficient and retest reliability were 0.807 and 0.810, respectively.The specific supportive care needs scale for radical cystectomy patients developed in this study showed the good reliability and validity. The tool can be invaluable for comprehensive assessment of the specific supportive care needs of these patients.