We propose a plasmonic nanolaser based on a metal-insulator-semiconductor-insulator-metal (MISIM) structure, which effectively confines light on a subwavelength scale (∼λ/14). As the pump power increases, the proposed plasmonic nanolaser exhibits broadband output characteristics of 20 nm, and the maximum output power can reach 20 µW. Furthermore, the carrier lifetime at the upper energy level in our proposed structure is measured to be about 400 fs using a double pump-probe excitation. The ultrafast characteristic is attributed to the inherent Purcell effect of plasmonic systems. Our work paves the way toward deep-subwavelength mode confinement and ultrafast femtosecond plasmonic lasers in spaser-based interconnected, eigenmode engineering of plasmonic nanolasers, nano-LEDs, and spontaneous emission control.