Reed flower-like SmMnOx and cauliflower-like SmMnOx-rGO catalysts were successfully synthesized by a coprecipitation-coupled solvothermal method for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx. The NOx conversion of the two catalysts is more than 90% in the temperature range of 75–200 °C, and the N2 selectivity of SmMnOx-rGO is above 90%. Moreover, both of them exhibit more than 62% of resistance to H2O and SO2 at a very low temperature of 100 °C, much superior than the fluffy spherical SmMnOx prepared by coprecipitation method. The strong synergy between Mn and Sm endowed by the flower-like structure contributes to a low degree of crystallization, a high ratio of (Mn3++Mn4+)/Mn, more chemisorbed oxygen species, strong redox ability, and more Lewis acid sites, hence effectively enhancing low-temperature SCR activity and resistance to H2O and SO2. In addition, the decreased ratio of Mn4+/Mn after rGO doping hinders the side reaction of NH3 oxidation, thus enhancing the N2 selectivity of rGO-doped SmMnOx catalyst.