SrTiO3 (STO)-based perovskite oxide is regarded as a promising high-temperature n-type thermoelectric material. However, its intrinsic high thermal conductivity leads to poor thermoelectric properties. Using entropy engineering, lower thermal conductivity can be obtained. However, the high configuration entropy can also lead to poor carrier mobility, which inhibits electron transport and consequently reduces the electrical conductivity. Along these lines, in this work, an ultra-low thermal conductivity was obtained, which is significantly lower than the majority of the values reported in the literature, and the concept of phononic glass electronic crystal was attained at the same time. The enhanced effective scattering of phonons through the multi-scale defects gives rise to a low thermal conductivity of 1.8 W m−1 K−1 at 973K. Optimization of electrical properties due to in situ reduction at high temperature and pressure,the high-entropy ceramics possess the maximum power factor of 7.03 μW cm−1 K−2 at 973K. The application of high pressure is considered an important approach for the development of new materials with special properties. A new strategy for the composition design and in-situ reduction of oxide thermoelectric materials was provided in this work, which paves the way for the optimization and application of both the electrical and thermal properties of perovskite-based materials.