Interplay of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa), a transglutaminase, responsible for cross-linking of matrix proteins, Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), a gelatinase, and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), an angiogenic inducer, were studied in relation to fibrogenesis and disease progression in oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF).Immunohistochemical expression of markers was studied in 60 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of OSMF and 20 normal oral mucosal tissues. FXIIIa was studied quantitatively while MMP-9 and VEGF were assessed semi-quantitatively. Expression was compared with histopathological grades of OSMF.FXIIIa expression significantly increased in OSMF (p-value 0.000). However, expression decreased and cells became quiescent with increasing grades (p-value 0.000). MMP-9 (p-value epithelium 0.011, p-value connective tissue 0.000) and VEGF expression (p-value epithelium 0.000, connective tissue 0.000) increased in OSMF. A negative correlation between FXIIIa and MMP-9 (-0.653) in early grade (p-value of 0.021) and a positive correlation between FXIIIa and VEGF (0.595) (p-value of 0.032) was found in the moderate grade OSMF. Regression analysis showed a significant association (p<0.01) of FXIIIa in OSMF and with increasing grades of OSMF.FXIIIa may play a crucial role in initiation of fibrosis in OSMF. MMP-9 may have a diverse role to play in OSMF as a regulator of fibrosis. VEGF may show an angio-fibrotic switch and contribute to fibrosis in OSMF. These cytokines may show altered function and can contribute to fibrosis and chronicity of disease due to changes in the microenvironment. Tissue stiffness in OSMF itself creates an environment that enhances the chronicity of the disease.