Abstract The classical Turing morphogenesis often occurs in nonmetallic solution systems due to the sole competition of reaction and diffusion processes. Here, this work conceives that gallium (Ga) based liquid metals (LMs) possess the ability to alloy, diffuse, and react with a range of solid metals (SMs) and thus should display Turing instability leading to a variety of nonequilibrium spatial concentration patterns. This work discloses a general mechanism for obtaining labyrinths, stripes, and spots‐like stationary Turing patterns in the LM–SM reaction‐diffusion systems (GaX‐Y), taking the gallium indium alloy and silver substrate (GaIn‐Ag) system as a proof of concept. It is only when Ga atoms diffuse over Y much faster than X while X reacts with Y preferentially, that Turing instability occurs. In such a metallic system, Ga serves as an inhibitor and X as an activator. The dominant factors in tuning the patterning process include temperature and concentration. Intermetallic compounds contained in the Turing patterns and their competitive reactions have also been further clarified. This LM Turing instability mechanism opens many opportunities for constructing microstructure systems utilizing condensed matter to experimentally explore the general morphogenesis process.