Elevated strategic partnership between India and Japan in the context of the rising power of China

地缘政治学 霸权 中国 普通合伙企业 政治学 战略伙伴关系 强大的力量 区域电力公司 政治 背景(考古学) 战略思维 经济 战略规划 经济增长 国际贸易 经济 地理 公共行政 管理 法学 考古 大地测量学 网格
Nadia Shaheen,Mingchun Ren
期刊:India Review [Informa]
卷期号:22 (4): 433-462

ABSTRACTThe growing India-Japan engagements are not only focused on economic issues, but also cover a wide range of interests, including regional security, political, and maritime security concerns. Both countries are consolidating strategic partnerships to address the risks and vulnerabilities posed by the evolving regional balance of power. Through their embeddedness with China, both India and Japan form an intrinsic part of the Indo-Pacific geopolitical security architecture. The key transformation of relations between these two states in the region is in response to the geopolitical change brought about by China’s rapid ascension. In this regard, the article further explains how both countries are systematically strengthening a strategic partnership and gradually reinforcing economic, political, security, and strategic cooperation against China. This article seeks to address how both states would restrain rising China’s strategic maneuvering in the Indo-Pacific region through an analysis of the India-Japan alignment, with the main focus of this study being on analyzing how both India and Japan are now investing in a long-term strategy to balance China’s hegemonic policies. Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 TitliBasu, “India in Japan’S Strategic Thinking: Charting Convergences in the Indo-Pacific,” The Diplomat, January 23, 2020.https://thediplomat.com/2020/01/india-in-japans-strategic-thinking-charting-convergences-in-the-indo-pacific/[Assessed July o3, 2021].2 Yogesh Joshi, and Harsh V. Pant. “Indo-Japanese Strategic Partnership and Power Transition in Asia.” India Review 14, no 3 (2015): 312–313. https://doi.org/10.1080/14736489.2015.1066215.3 Jack S. 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