The main objective of anatomically plausible results for deformable image registration is to improve model’s registration accuracy by minimizing the difference between a pair of fixed and moving images. Since many anatomical features are closely related to each other, leveraging supervision from auxiliary tasks (such as supervised anatomical segmentation) has the potential to enhance the realism of the warped images after registration. In this work, we employ a Multi-Task Learning framework to formulate registration and segmentation as a joint issue, in which we utilize anatomical constraint from auxiliary supervised segmentation to enhance the realism of the predicted images. First, we propose a Cross-Task Attention Block to fuse the high-level feature from both the registration and segmentation network. With the help of initial anatomical segmentation, the registration network can benefit from learning the task-shared feature correlation and rapidly focusing on the parts that need deformation. On the other hand, the anatomical segmentation discrepancy from ground-truth fixed annotations and predicted segmentation maps of initial warped images are integrated into the loss function to guide the convergence of the registration network. Ideally, a good deformation field should be able to minimize the loss function of registration and segmentation. The voxel-wise anatomical constraint inferred from segmentation helps the registration network to reach a global optimum for both deformable and segmentation learning. Both networks can be employed independently during the testing phase, enabling only the registration output to be predicted when the segmentation labels are unavailable. Qualitative and quantitative results indicate that our proposed methodology significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art approaches on inter-patient brain MRI registration and pre- and intra-operative uterus MRI registration tasks within our specific experimental setup, which leads to state-of-the-art registration quality scores of 0.755 and 0.731 (i.e., by 0.8% and 0.5% increases) DSC for both tasks, respectively.