Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane (SD-AOM) is ubiquitous in marine sedimentary environments, governing the global methane budget and the redox evolution of Earth's surface. Tracing SD-AOM and organoclastic sulfate reduction (OSR) from the pyrite archive is key to the reconstruction of SD-AOM activity and paleoenvironmental interpretation. However, discriminating the origins of pyrite – basically SD-AOM and OSR – is commonly challenging due to frequent overlap of δ34Spy values. Multiple sulfur isotopes of pyrite are expected to be an effective tool to distinguish between OSR and SD-AOM, yet variable uncertainties and unknowns remain. Here we investigated the δ34S and Δ33S values of pore-water sulfate and authigenic pyrite from a piston core taken on the continental slope of the South China Sea. A positive Δ33S - δ34S correlation of pore-water sulfate is observed in the upper OSR-dominated zone, resulting in Δ33S and δ34S values of sulfate diffusing into the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) >0.1‰ and >30‰ larger than the corresponding values of seawater sulfate. A negative Δ33S - δ34S trajectory of pore-water sulfate and pyrite is observed for the SMTZ, agreeing with low sulfur isotope fractionation characteristic for SD-AOM and a diagnostic large Δ33S - δ34S field of SD-AOM-derived pyrite. These findings elucidate that the multiple sulfur isotope systematics of pyrite in methane-bearing sediment depends on (1) mass transport effects of dissolved sulfate and sulfide, (2) the relative contribution of OSR and SD-AOM to the pore-water sulfide and pyrite pools, and (3) the sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate reduction. Our study highlights the importance of mass transport dynamics on the isotopic composition of pyrite, a factor that needs to be considered in any attempt to reconstruct the origin of early diagenetic pyrite and the paleoenvironmental setting with multiple sulfur isotopes.