This Review presents an overview of all-organic nanocomposites, a sustainable alternative to organic-inorganic hybrids. All-organic nanocomposites contain nanocellulose, nanochitin, and aramid nanofibers as highly rigid reinforcing fillers. They offer superior mechanical properties and lightweight characteristics suitable for diverse applications. The Review discusses various methods for preparing the organic nanofillers, including top-down and bottom-up approaches. It highlights in situ polymerization as the preferred method for incorporating these nanomaterials into polymer matrices to achieve homogeneous filler dispersion, a crucial factor for realizing desired performance. Furthermore, the Review explores several applications of all-organic nanocomposites in diverse fields including food packaging, performance-advantaged plastics, and electronic materials. Future research directions-developing sustainable production methods, expanding biomedical applications, and enhancing resistance against heat, chemicals, and radiation of all-organic nanocomposites to permit their use in extreme environments-are explored. This Review offers insights into the potential of all-organic nanocomposites to drive sustainable growth while meeting the demand for high-performance materials across various industries.