This study aimed to estimate the impact of the 2020 China Diabetes Society's (CDS) guideline on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and eligibility for antidiabetic treatment in China.Baseline data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS, 2011-2012) were used to estimate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and compare the recommendations for antidiabetic medication and intensification of therapy between the 2017 and 2020 CDS guidelines.According to the 2017 CDS guideline, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 12.56% among Chinese adults who were ≥45 years of age. However, according to the 2020 CDS guideline, 0.65% (0.35%, 1.20%), or 3.54 (2.50, 4.57) million Chinese adults who were ≥45 years would additionally be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Among Chinese adults not taking antidiabetic medications, 1.06% (0.87%, 1.28%), or 5.37 (4.36, 6.38) million Chinese adults with diabetes mellitus were recommended to start antidiabetic medication according to the 2017 CDS guideline, while 1.27% (1.01%, 1.58%), or 6.44 (5.29, 7.60) million Chinese adults with diabetes would be recommended to initiate antidiabetic medication according to the 2020 CDS guideline. Among Chinese adults taking antidiabetic medication, 51.59% (44.19%, 58.93%), or 18.35 (15.58, 21.12) million Chinese adults with diabetes received antidiabetic treatment but had a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level higher than that mentioned in the 2017 and 2020 CDS guidelines.The addition of HbA1c in the 2020 CDS guideline will result in a modest increase in the number of Chinese adults who are diagnosed with diabetes and diabetes patients recommended for antidiabetic medication; however, the 2020 CDS guideline does not affect the number of diabetes patients eligible for intensification of treatment.