Lung ultrasound (LUS) is nowadays widely adopted by clinicians to evaluate the state of the lung surface. However, being mainly based on the evaluation of vertical artifacts, whose genesis is still unclear, LUS is affected by qualitative and subjective analyses. Even though semi-quantitative approaches supported by computer aided methods can reduce subjectivity, they do not consider the dependence of vertical artifacts on imaging parameters, and could not be classified as fully quantitative. They are indeed mainly based on scoring LUS images, reconstructed with standard clinical scanners, through the sole evaluation of visual patterns, whose visualization depends on imaging parameters. To develop quantitative techniques is therefore fundamental to understand which parameters influence the vertical artifacts' intensity. In this study, we quantitatively analyzed the dependence of nine vertical artifacts observed in a thorax phantom on four parameters, i.e., center frequency, focal point, bandwidth, and angle of incidence. The results showed how the vertical artifacts are significantly affected by these four parameters, and confirm that the center frequency is the most impactful parameter in artifacts' characterization. These parameters should hence be carefully considered when developing a LUS quantitative approach.