Yudong Huang,Shuo Wang,Binwei Wu,Tao Huang,Yunjie Liu
Recent proposals leverage Cyclic-Queuing and Forwarding (CQF) to achieve bounded-delay transmission for cyclic flows in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). However, the Ping-Pong queue-based model in CQF will introduce the jitter of two cycles, which is inapplicable to industrial automation scenarios where isochronous flows such as synchronized frames and motor control loops require zero jitter.We present TACQ, a first time-aware cyclic-queuing mechanism to support the co-transmission of cyclic flows and isochronous flows. Our key insight is that isochronous flows should enable zero-jitter while minimally impacting the bounded-delay of cyclic flows. To achieve this goal, we design a novel no-wait shaper (NWS) that handles isochronous flows with as little time-slot as possible. For cyclic flows, we extend the CQF to schedule flows with a double-closed state on the Tx-gate and compute the open time on the Rx-gate. Simulation results show that TACQ significantly reduces the delay of isochronous flows by 81.3% and achieves zero jitter compared with CQF. And the NWS effectively schedules 87.2% flows at 500 flows level in feasible execution time.