Abstract Deficit light led to the reduction of photosynthesis and carbohydrate synthesis for upland rice plants in the plantation area. This experiment aimed to screen some germplasm rice shade-tolerant levels, local rice varieties, and high yielding rice and promising lines further generations. The experiment was conducted at Muara Experimental Farm, Bogor starting in April 2017. A total of ± 200 rice lines and comparative varieties, i.e, Jatiluhur, Rindang 1, Rindang 2, IR64, Inpago 5, and Kalimutu, were tested below paranet ± 60% light interception and without shading as control. The augmented design was used as an experiment design with four replications for the check varieties. Result showed that light intensity affected the growth and development of plant rice lines. There were 23 lines detected as tolerant and 11 lines as moderate of 200 tested lines. The plant height in shade and control areas was not different, whereas the number of tillers in gogo shade had a much less amount than in control treatment. The flowering phase at shade caused a decrease in the formation rate of the flowering phase in rice lines. Therefore, the flowering age became longer without shade. Leaf chlorophyll content of lines in the shade treatment was lower than in control.