CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) perovskites attract the attention of the scientific community due to their unique properties makes them suitable for many potential applications such as lasers, solar cells, displays, LEDs or photodetectors. This paper presents powdered CsPbCl3 perovskite doped with 9% of Yb3+ ions prepared using the solid-state reaction method. The phase purity of obtained sample was confirmed by X-ray diffraction pattern analysis. It has been found that the incorporation of such a large amount of dopant ions into the host does not lead to a structural disorder. SEM images proved that obtained sample is characterized by micrometer size. IR measurements showed that even one year after synthesis, sample did not exhibit any hygroscopic properties. In order to investigate the spectroscopic features of CsPbCl3:9%Yb3+ perovskite detailed analysis including absorption, excitation and temperature-dependent emission, luminescent decay profiles and Raman spectra were performed. It was observed that complete emission quenching of exciton and f-f bands occurs at 300 and 700 K, respectively, which is related with thermal activated non-radiative pathways. The DSC thermographs and thermal evolution of Raman spectra revealed anomalies near 321 K associated with the creation of cubic phase. Thermometric properties based on the intensity ratio of the exciton and Yb3+ ions bands were investigated. It was turned out that that the mechanism responsible for the generation of luminescence in the CsPbCl3:9%Yb3+ perovskite is dependent on the average grain size.