New strategies based on advanced technologies are highly desired for expanding the applications of biological macromolecules in the applied scientific fields. In the present study, a new kind of core-shell nano depots were designed, in which the shell section was a drug-polymer composite and the core section was a drug reservoir. With ethyl cellulose and ketoprofen as a filament-forming polymeric matrix and a model drug, respectively, a triaxial electrospinning apparatus was developed to conduct both coaxial and triaxial processes, by which monolithic nanofibers F1 and core-shell nano depots F2 were successfully prepared. Although both of them had the same double components, their different nanostructures generated considerable differences in providing drug sustained release profiles. The core-shell nanofiber depots F2 were able to provide a better zero-order drug release profile: no initial burst release, smooth sustained release effect, and smaller tailing-off release for a nice zero-order drug release kinetics. The release percentage (Q) can be linearly manipulated through the release time (t) according to the equation Q2 = 9.40 + 4.74 t (R = 0.9936), providing opportunity for precise administration. The developed strategy and advanced electrospinning technique exhibit a new way for constructing process-structure-performance relationships at nano scale and for expanding the potential applications of biological macromolecules in the applied fields.