Mesoporous TiO2 aerogels with surface area larger than 600 m2 g-1 have been prepared via acid-catalyzed sol-gel synthesis and supercritical drying. Varying temperature treatment in air results in changes in the morphology of the aerogels and their specific surface area. Interestingly, the ability to store photogenerated electrons in the surface states of the aerogels upon illumination of dispersions in water-methanol mixtures increases with lower calcination temperature. Additionally, the extent of electron storage capability also depends on hole scavenger concentration. Increasing the calcination temperature to 500 °C results in decreased surface area and electron storage capability, however in increased hydrogen evolution rates. Finally, nitrogen reduction to ammonia in the dark is performed with photogenerated stored electrons in TiO2 aerogels, separating the charge carrier photogeneration from the dark reduction reaction.