Methane detection is important for exploring combustible ice in energy field. As the core component of the methane sensor, gas-liquid separation membranes play a crucial role in separating methane from water, which can effectively enhance the timeliness and stability of methane detection. Moreover, the correlative permeability and mechanical properties of are contradictory requirements for achieving optimum performance of membranes. Herein, a methane-water separation membrane was developed and optimized by adjusting the PEG as porogen based on PDMS and PES as functional and support layers, respectively. PDMS/PES composite membrane performed an excellent methane permeability and tensile strength. Particularly, the PEG was studied as porogen to affect the morphology and adjust pore structure of the PES layer. Considering the trade-off of methane permeability and mechanical properties, the results indicate the appropriate content of porogen is 4 wt% PEG. This work optimizes a new approach to prepare methane-water separation membrane and give a significant insight to develop methane detection for exploring new energy in seabed.