• Perceived augmented realism and technology fluidity of augmented reality (AR) applications positively influenced consumers’ flow experience during a product evaluation task. • Perceived flow experience facilitated by perceived augmented realism and technology fluidity led to cognitive, affective and behavioral responses toward the brand. • Selective flow subdimensions positively predicted cognitive responses toward the brand, in addition to affective responses toward the brand and the AR program platform. Advances in information technologies today have created rich forms of reality to engage consumers. This study examines the effects of augmented realism and technology fluidity of augmented reality (AR) applications on consumer decision-making. A posttest-only between-group experiment was conducted in a laboratory setting to enable the completion of a simulated product-evaluation task via a web-based AR system, a mobile-app based AR system and a non-AR marketing device. Findings demonstrated that augmented realism and technology fluidity strongly influenced consumers’ flow experience, which led to cognitive and affective responses toward the brand and/or the AR-interface medium, in addition to increased purchase intention. The four sub-dimensions of flow also helped explicate the relationships between immersive shopping experience and cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. The study contributes to theory building in AR-based immersive and online marketing research.