Multimodality noninvasive imaging for assessing therapeutic effects of exogenously transplanted cell aggregates capable of angiogenesis on acute myocardial infarction
Although the induction of neovascularization by cell-based approaches has demonstrated substantial potential in treating myocardial infarction (MI), the process of cell-mediated angiogenesis and its correlation with therapeutic mechanisms of cardiac repair remain elusive. In this work, three-dimensional (3D) aggregates of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and cord-blood mesenchymal stem cells (cbMSCs) are constructed using a methylcellulose hydrogel system. By maximizing cell-cell and cell-ECM communications and establishing a hypoxic microenvironment in their inner cores, these cell aggregates are capable of forming widespread tubular networks together with the angiogenic marker αvβ3 integrin; they secret multiple pro-angiogenic, pro-survival, and mobilizing factors when grown on Matrigel. The aggregates of HUVECs/cbMSCs are exogenously engrafted into the peri-infarct zones of rats with MI via direct local injection. Multimodality noninvasive imaging techniques, including positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, and echocardiography, are employed to monitor serially the beneficial effects of cell therapy on angiogenesis, blood perfusion, and global/regional ventricular function, respectively. The myocardial perfusion is correlated with ventricular contractility, demonstrating that the recovery of blood perfusion helps to restore regional cardiac function, leading to the improvement in global ventricular performance. These experimental data reveal the efficacy of the exogenous transplantation of 3D cell aggregates after MI and elucidate the mechanism of cell-mediated therapeutic angiogenesis for cardiac repair.