To identify the genotype of (APP/PS1) transgenic mice and evaluate the changing of cognitive and behavioral fu nctions, provide an effective animal model for the Alzheimer's disease (AD) research.Male APP/PS1 transgenic mice mated with female APP/PS1 transgenic mice, and the genotype of their filial mice was identified by PCR. The APP +/PS1 + mice were assigned into AD model group (AD group, n=8), and the APP/PS1 mice were assigned into control group (CT group, n=8). The Morris water maze test was carried out to detect the capacity of learning and memory of mice. After that, the mice were sacrificed and the brain tissues were sampled and stained by HE and congo red for the pathological examination.①A APP/PS1 genome DNA about 360 bp size was detected. The methods of feeding and breeding were successful to attain APP/PS1 transgenic mice.②Statistical significance was found in the differences of the capacity of learning and memory between 7-month-old APP/PS1 positive mice and negative mice (P<0.05).③The results of HE stain showed that the structure and cellular morphology of hippocampus of AD mice were obviously abnormal. The results of congo red stain showed that positive amyloid plaque was observed in brains of AD mice.APP/PS1 transgenic mice present typical symptoms and behaviors of Alzheimer's disease. The transgenic mouse is an effective tool for the research and prevention of AD.