The orthopedic treatment of the orthodontics is a typical and crucial technique and method that uses functional appliances to fully work out the potentials of the jaws and muscles, and accordingly to correct the functional or mild skeletal malocclusions in pre-pubertal children and adolescents. A successful orthopedic treatment involves its short-time effectiveness and its long-term stability. For many years, however, the effectiveness of the functional appliance is controversial and the long-term stability of the functional appliance has always been overlooked. Thus, with an aim of presenting guidelines on orthopedic treatment, the effectiveness and the long-term stability of the functional appliance are discussed in this article.功能矫治是一种在功能矫治器作用下充分发挥机体自然生长潜力、矫治生长发育期儿童及青少年功能性和轻度骨性错■畸形的常用而重要的正畸手段和方法。成功的功能矫治离不开其短期疗效和长期稳定性。然而多年来关于功能矫治器的疗效仍存在争议,功能矫形治疗后的长期稳定性常被忽视。本文对功能矫治器的疗效及长期稳定性进行讨论,以期为临床提供参考。.