Dendritic fibrous nano-silica (DFNS), especially the sphere-shaped with three-dimensional (3D) centerradial channels and hierarchical pores, possess higher specific surface areas, larger pore volumes, higher pore permeability, more accessible internal spaces, etc. Guest substances (e.g., ultrasmall nanoparticles) can be loaded onto and transported in the radial nanochannels, or can even react with the chemically active sites in these nanochannels.As a result, DFNS can serve as promising platforms to construct novel nanocatalysts, adsorbent materials, and delivery systems for genes, proteins or drugs.A majority of investigations about DFNS have demonstrated that silica nanospheres with this special topography have inherent superiorities over traditional mesoporous MCM-41 or SBA-15, and can be perfect alternatives.Nevertheless, reviews on DFNS are limited, and there still exist plenty of issues that need to be probed into.Therefore, this comprehensive review provides a critical survey on DFNS' structural characteristics, commonly used structural models, novel structures, real-time applications, etc.We sincerely expect that this paper 第 12 期 王亚斌, 等: 树枝状纤维形二氧化硅纳米粒子的研究进展 1275 could give material scientists and chemists certain inspiration to accelerate DFNS family's booming evolution.