The structural, magnetic, and transport properties of Mo doping La0.67Sr0.33Mn1−xMoxO3 (x=0–0.04) manganite system have been investigated by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, magnetization, and magnetoresistance measurements. The Mo doping in Mn site is found to lower the Curie temperature Tc slightly and induce the cluster spin glass behavior in ferromagnetic state of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3. The room temperature magnetoresistance of Mo doping La0.67Sr0.33Mn1−xMoxO3 is found to be 50% higher than that of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 without Mo doping. The significant enhancement for room temperature magnetoresistance could likely be attributed to the presence of the cluster spin glass state caused by the Mo doping.