Foreword. About the Editors. Contributors. M. Boekaerts, P.R. Pintrich, and M. Zeidner, Self-Regulation: An Introductory Overview. General Theories and Models of Self-Regulation: B.J. Zimmerman, Attaining Self-Regulation: A Social Cognitive Perspective. C.S. Carver and M.F. Scheier, On the Structure of Behavioral Self-Regulation. J.Y. Shah and A.W. Kruglanski, Aspects of Goal Networks: Implications for Self-Regulation. J. Kuhl, A Functional-Design Approach to Motivation and Self-Regulation: The Dynamics of Personality Systems Interactions. G. Matthews, V.L. Schwean, S.E. Campbell, D.H. Saklofske, and A.A.R. Mohamed, Personality, Self-Regulation, and Adaptation: A Cognitive-Social Framework. A. Demetriou, Organization and Development of Self-Understanding and Self-Regulation: Toward a General Theory. S.L. Shapiro and G.E. Schwartz, The Role of Intention in Self-Regulation: Toward Intentional Systemic Mindfulness. T. Jackson, J. Mackenzie, and S.E. Hobfoll, Communal Aspects of Self-Regulation. Domain-Specific Models and Research on Self-Regulation: J.B. Vancouver, Self-Regulation in Organizational Settings: A Tale of Two Paradigms. S. Maes and W. Gebhardt, Self-Regulation and Health Behavior: The Health Behavior Goal Model. S. Brownlee, H. Leventhal, and E.A. Leventhal, Regulation, Self-Regulation, and Construction of the Self in the Maintenance of Physical Health. M. Boekaerts and M. Niemivirta, Self-Regulated Learning: Finding a Balance Between Learning Goals and Ego-Protective Goals. P.R. Pintrich, The Role of Goal Orientation in Self-Regulated Learning. F. Rheinberg, R. Vollmeyer, and W. Rollett, Motivation and Action in Self-Regulated Learning. P.H. Winne and N.E. Perry, Measuring Self-Regulated Learning. Interventions and Applications of Self-Regulation Theory and Research: N.S. Endler and N.L. Kocovski, Self-Regulation and Distress in Clinical Psychology. T.L. Creer, Self-Management of Chronic Illness. D.H. Schunk and P.A. Ertmer, Self-Regulation and Academic Learning: Self-Efficacy Enhancing Interventions. J. Randi and L. Corno, Teacher Innovations in Self-Regulated Learning. E. De Corte, L. Verschaffel, and P. Op 't Eynde, Self-Regulation: A Characteristic and a Goal of Mathematics Education. C.E. Weinstein, J. Husman, and D.R. Dierking, Self-Regulation Interventions with a Focus on Learning Strategies. M. Zeidner, M. Boekaerts, and P.R. Pintrich, Self-Regulation: Directions and Challenges for Future Research. Index.