The specificity of chemical reactions conducted over solid catalysts can potentially be improved by utilizing noncovalent interactions to direct reactant binding geometry. Here we apply thiolate self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) with an appropriate structure to Pt/Al2O3 catalysts to selectively orient the reactant molecule cinnamaldehyde in a configuration associated with hydrogenation to the desired product cinnamyl alcohol. While nonspecific effects on the surface active site were shown to generally enhance selectivity, specific aromatic stacking interactions between the phenyl ring of cinnamaldehyde and phenylated SAMs allowed tuning of reaction selectivity without compromising the rate of desired product formation. Infrared spectroscopy showed that increased selectivity was a result of favorable orientation of the reactant on the catalyst surface. In contrast, hydrogenation of an unsaturated aldehyde without a phenyl ring showed a nontunable improvement in selectivity, indicating that thiol SAMs can improve reaction selectivity through a combination of nonspecific surface effects and ligand-specific near-surface effects.