Gabriel O. Cardoso,Ludmilla N. Falsarella,Pamela M. Chiroque-Solano,Carla Cristine Porcher,Felipe Padilha Leitzke,Aline Celuppi Wegner,Thiago Gonçalves Carelli,Paulo S. Salomon,Alex Cardoso Bastos,Fabian Sá,Stewart Fallon,Leonardo T. Salgado,Rodrigo L. Moura
In November 2015, the collapse of the Fundão dam (Minas Gerais, Brazil) carried over 40 × 106 m3 of iron ore tailings into the Doce river and caused massive environmental and socioeconomic impacts across the watershed. The downstream mudslide scavenged contaminants deposited in the riverbed, and several potentially toxic elements were further released through reduction and solubilization of Fe oxy-hydroxides under estuarine conditions. A turbidity plume was formed off the river mouth, but the detection of contaminants' dispersion in the ocean remains poorly assessed. This situation is specially concerning because Southwestern Atlantic's largest and richest reefs are located 70-250 km to the north of the Doce river mouth, and the legal dispute over the extent of monitoring, compensation and restoration measures are based either on indirect evidence from modeling or on direct evidence from remote sensing and contaminated organisms. Coral skeletons can incorporate trace elements and are considered good monitors of marine pollution, including inputs from open cut mining. Here, we studied a Montastraea cavernosa (Linnaeus 1767) coral colony collected 220 km northward to the river mouth, using X-rays for assessing growth bands and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry to recover trace elements incorporated in growth bands formed between 2014 and 2018. A threefold positive Fe anomaly was identified in early 2016, associated with negative anomalies in several elements. Variation in Ba and Y was coherent with the region's sedimentation dynamics, but also increased after 2016, akin to Pb, V and Zn. Coral growth rates decreased after the disaster. Besides validating M. cavernosa as a reliable archive of ocean chemistry, our results evidence wide-reaching sub-lethal coral contamination in the Abrolhos reefs, as well as different incorporation mechanisms into corals' skeletons.