This research investigates the effects of different green (environmental) message types on hotel customers' green brand image perceptions and behavioral intentions. A 2 (green message abstractness: abstract vs. concrete) x 2 (green message framing: gain vs. loss) between-subject factorial experimental design was utilized for testing the main and interaction effects of message types on green brand image. A two–way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test whether brand image perceptions differed across the levels of green message abstractness and green message framing. PROCESS Model was employed to test the mediating effects of messages on behavioral intentions through green brand image. The findings demonstrated that green message abstractness had a significant main effect on green brand image. Abstract green message led to a stronger effect on green brand image than the concrete one. Furthermore, green message abstractness influenced behavior intention indirectly through green brand image. However, green message framing did not yield any significant results for the direct and indirect effects.