Aim: To evaluate the genetic factors influencing tuberculosis (TB) clinical outcomes in HIV-infected Black African patients. Materials & methods: We systematically searched and identified eligible publications from >550 databases indexed through February 2021. Results: Eighteen studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. Only two cohorts from one study were included in quantitative synthesis of which the low expression MIF-794 CATT5,6 (5/5 + 5/6 + 6/6) genotypes were not associated with TB infectivity in HIV-infected patients (OR: 1.31, 95% CI: 0.46-3.79). Other TB clinical outcomes observed in HIV/TB co-infected patients included: drug-induced liver injury, peripheral neuropathy, mortality, lung function and TB cure. Conclusion: This review finds inconclusive evidence that genetic factors are associated with TB clinical outcomes among HIV-infected patients in sub-Saharan Africa.