The Modified Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System (M-FNASS) and the newer Eat, Sleep, and Console (ESC) model guide the clinical management of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS). In this study, we evaluate how the M-FNASS and ESC model directly compare in inpatient practice. We hypothesized that ESC scores would correlate with M-FNASS scores, whereas ESC management would reduce health care use for infants with NOWS.In this retrospective cohort study, we compared management of infants with NOWS admitted to nursery settings. Epoch 1 was managed by using an M-FNASS algorithm. Epoch 2 was scored simultaneously with the M-FNASS and ESC model and managed by using the ESC approach. In the statistical analysis, we compared M-FNASS and ESC scores and outcomes between epochs.A total of 158 infants provided 2101 scoring instances for analysis. Demographic characteristics were similar between epochs. ESC scores significantly correlated with overall M-FNASS scores and specific M-FNASS domains. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis revealed that an ESC score containing at least 1 "no" was best predicted by an M-FNASS cutoff value of 7.5 (sensitivity 0.84; specificity 0.70; area under the curve = 0.842). Length of stay (median 9.5 vs 5 days; P = .0002) and initiation (53% vs. 33%; P = .018) and duration of pharmacologic treatment (median 11 vs 7 days; P = .0042), as well as length of stay for infants who were pharmacologically treated (median 15 vs 10 days; P = .0002), were significantly reduced with ESC-based management after adjustment for covariates.The ESC approach meaningfully correlates with the M-FNASS to detect NOWS. Management with the ESC approach continues to be associated with reduced health care use when compared with an M-FNASS approach, implying that the ESC approach may facilitate higher-value inpatient care.