隨著教育水準的提昇平均,結婚年齡逐漸的延後,不婚或未婚的比率也逐漸增加,但對於此族群的瞭解卻一直付之闕如。本研究藉由深度訪談的方式,訪問19位三十歲至五十歲目前仍未婚的單身女性,瞭解其對目前單身生活的看法與評估,以及其對未來的想法與準備。研究結果指出受訪的單身女性呈現出對生活較正面的態度,享受生活中的自由。雖然相較於以前的社會,目前單身女性並未承受極大的壓力或歧視,但是父母的擔心與催促,或他人的某些眼光與調侃,仍是受訪者所必須面對的現實。對於未來的計畫與準備,有部份受訪者較不積極,僅止於知道要準備但尚無實際的行動,另有一部份的受訪者則對於未來有較具體的計畫與準備,除此之外少數受訪者也提到非婚姻關係另類親密關係型態的可能性。對於婚姻的態度與想向則出現相當衝突的圖像,受訪者一方面並不排除結婚的可能,期待互相支持、心靈契合的伴侶,但一方面卻覺得如果進入婚姻則會喪失自我,需要犧牲自己來照顧家人。本研究結果對於發展心理學以及婚姻的意義也將進一步討論。 關鍵詞 單身未婚女性、生活經驗、婚姻態度、婚姻意義 The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of never-married women. Nineteen participants were interviewed. The results revealed a positive attitude toward and evaluation of these women’s single life option. Almost all the participant enjoyed the freedom of being single. Most of the source of stress was coming from parents. At the same time, family was also the major support system. Most participants agreed that there were negative stereotypes against never-married people; they did not feel any of that type of discrimination in their personal lives. Regarding their attitudes toward marriage, the results indicated a conflicting picture. On one hand, the participants agreed that women have to sacrifice themselves (including time, space, interests, and personal goals) in marriage. On the other hand, they also expected to be married in the future. The results also challenge the traditional developmental psychology theories, and the traditional meaning of marriage for women. More research and discussion is needed to explore the meaning of marriage for men and women in the current society. Key Words family support, life experiences, meaning of marriage, never-married women