While multiple advances in mass spectrometry (MS) instruments have improved qualitative and quantitative proteome analysis, more reliable front-end approaches to isolate, enrich, and process proteins ahead of MS are critical for successful proteome characterization. Low, inconsistent protein recovery and residual impurities such as surfactants are detrimental to MS analysis. Protein precipitation is often considered unreliable, time-consuming, and technically challenging to perform compared to other sample preparation strategies. These concerns are overcome by employing optimal protein precipitation protocols. For acetone precipitation, the combination of specific salts, temperature control, solvent composition, and precipitation time is critical, while the efficiency of chloroform/methanol/water precipitation depends on proper pipetting and vial manipulation. Alternatively, these precipitation protocols are streamlined and semi-automated within a disposable spin cartridge. The expected outcomes of solvent-based protein precipitation in the conventional format and using a disposable, two-stage filtration and extraction cartridge are illustrated in this work. This includes the detailed characterization of proteomic mixtures by bottom-up LC-MS/MS analysis. The superior performance of SDS-based workflows is also demonstrated relative to non-contaminated protein.