The wide-spread embracement and integration of Internet of Things (IoT) has inevitably lead to an explosion in the number of IoT devices. This in turn has led to the generation of massive volumes of data that needs to be transmitted, processed and stored for efficient interpretation and utilization. Edge computing has emerged as a viable solution which complements cloud thereby enabling the integrated edge–cloud paradigm to successfully satisfy the design requirements of IoT applications. A vast majority of existing studies have proposed scheduling frameworks for individual tasks and only very few works have considered the more challenging problem of scheduling complex workloads such as workflows across edge–cloud environments. Workflow scheduling is an NP hard problem in distributed infrastructures. It is further complicated when scheduling framework needs to coordinate workflow executions across resource constrained and highly distributed edge–cloud environments. In this work, we leverage Deep Reinforcement Learning for designing a workflow scheduling framework capable of overcoming the aforementioned challenges. Different from all existing works we have designed a novel hierarchical action space for promoting a clear distinction between edge and cloud nodes. Coupled with this a hybrid actor–critic based scheduling framework enhanced with proximal policy optimization technique is proposed to efficiently deal with the complex workflow scheduling problem in edge–cloud environments. Performance of the proposed framework was compared against several baseline algorithms using energy consumption, execution time, percentage of deadline hits and percentage of jobs completed as evaluation metrics. Proposed Deep Reinforcement Learning technique performed 56% better with respect to energy consumption and 46% with respect to execution time compared to time and energy optimized baselines, respectively. This was achieved while also maintaining the energy efficiency in par with the energy optimized baseline and execution time in par with the time optimized baseline. The results thus demonstrate the superiority of the proposed technique in establishing the best-trade off between the conflicting goals of minimizing energy consumption and execution time.