Abstract Halogens (Cl, Br, I) are exceptional provenance tracers in crustal fluids because their ratios are not strongly altered during most fluid-rock interaction processes. The halogen systematics of metamorphic fluids are of particular interest because such fluids are key drivers of crustal-scale element fluxes and ore formation in orogenic belts, but they remain poorly studied due to analytical challenges. We present novel triple-halogen laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) fluid-inclusion data from metamorphic systems ranging in age from Archean to Phanerozoic. Our results show that the halogen signatures in Phanerozoic metamorphic fluids are controlled by variable degrees of organic-matter interaction in their source rocks, leading to increased I/Cl and decreased Br/I ratios relative to seawater. By contrast, Archean metamorphic fluids from organic matter–rich source rocks have low I/Cl and very high Br/I ratios, distinctly different from any known fluid source signature. We propose that these signatures nevertheless are consistent with organic-matter interaction because dominantly prokaryotic Archean lifeforms did not yet produce iodine-bearing metabolites. This prevented biosequestration and accumulation of iodine-rich organic matter in sediments and imposed halogen signatures onto Archean metamorphic fluids entirely unlike those in younger fluids.