Abstract Harbinger transposase‐derived 1 proteins (HARBI1s) play important roles in plant growth, development, and response to abiotic stress. OsHARBI1‐1 has been identified as a gene encoding HARBI1‐1 protein in rice and has been shown to be responsive to Cadmium (Cd) stress. However, the function of OsHARBI1‐1 protein under heavy metal stress remains unclear. In this study, the function of a novel rice Cd‐responsive gene, OsHARBI1‐1, under Cd stress was characterized by heterologous expression in yeast. The heterologous expression OsHARBI1‐1 conferred yeast with increased tolerance to Cd. In addition, the yeast cells expressing OsHARBI1‐1 exhibited enhanced tolerance to Congo red and exhibited an increase in cell wall thickness under Cd stress, suggesting a potential correlation between increased Cd tolerance and cell wall thickness in the transgenic yeast. When OsHARBI1‐1 was expressed in ∆yap1 or ∆yap1∆ycf1 yeast mutants, there was no significant difference in the tolerance of transgenic yeast to Cd and Congo red, as well as in cell wall thickness compared to the control. Meanwhile, the expression of cell wall integrity (CWI) genes and catalase genes in transgenic yeast was up‐regulated in a YAP1 ‐dependent manner under Cd or Congo red stress. The above facts supported the inference that OsHARBI1‐1 may counteract Cd toxicity by enhancing the expression of YAP1 , thereby increasing the thickness of the cell wall and activating the expression of catalase genes.