Abstract Cisplatin‐induced ototoxicity is attributed to the aberrant accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the inner ear. Antioxidants represented by α‐lipoic acid (ALA) have been demonstrated to scavenge ROS in the cochlea, while effective delivery of these agents in vivo remains a major challenge. Here, a novel polydopamine (PDA) nanogel decorated adhesive and responsive hierarchical microcarriers for controllable is presented ALA delivery and deafness prevention. As the composite microcarriers exhibit excellent bioadhesion and responsive hierarchical capabilities, this can result in a prolonged retention time in vivo and allow for precise ALA delivery under light stimulation, which significantly enhances the therapeutic efficacy of ALA. Based on these features, both in vitro and in vivo experiments are demonstrated that the composite microcarriers combined with near‐infrared light irradiation can effectively attenuate cisplatin‐induced ototoxicity. These findings suggest that composite microcarriers are a viable approach for both inner ear medication delivery and the prevention of deafness.