Abstract High-entropy multimetallic nanopatterns with controlled morphology, composition and uniformity hold great potential for developing nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and catalysis. Nevertheless, the lack of general methods for patterning multiple metals poses a limit. Here, we develop a DNA origami-based metallization reaction system to prescribe multimetallic nanopatterns with peroxidase-like activities. We find that strong coordination between metal elements and DNA bases enables the accumulation of metal ions on protruding clustered DNA (pcDNA) that are prescribed on DNA origami. As a result of the condensation of pcDNA, these sites can serve as nucleation site for metal plating. We have synthesized multimetallic nanopatterns composed of up to five metal elements (Co, Pd, Pt, Ag and Ni), and obtained insights on elemental uniformity control at the nanoscale. This method provides an alternative pathway to construct a library of multimetallic nanopatterns.