We have developed a 750MWe sodium-cooled MOX fueled fast reactor core with enhanced safety against typical ATWS. Design goals were set as follows: 1) negative void reactivity for the loss of flow (ULOF); and 2) burnup reactivity less than 1 $ for the transient over power (UTOP). To achieve the goals the following were considered: 1) adoption of the axially heterogeneous core with a sodium plenum and a gas expansion module to reduce void reactivity; and 2) addition of minor actinides (MAs) to the internal blanket to reduce burnup reactivity. Configurations of the core were optimized as follows. First, void reactivity was reduced by a parameter survey for the inner core height, B-10 content of the upper shield, and standby position of the backup control rods. Second, burnup reactivity was reduced by a parameter survey for the MA content in the internal blanket, etc. We designed the safety enhanced fast reactor core that did not undergo sodium boiling if the ULOF occurred and we maintained fuel integrity for the UTOP by the transient analysis. By installing a self-actuated shutdown system in the backup control rods, the improved operational reliability of this shutdown system and the improved safety can be expected.