The role of shear viscosity as a biomarker for improving chronic kidney disease detection using shear wave elastography: A computational study using a validated finite element model
The application of ultrasound shear wave elastography for detecting chronic kidney disease, namely renal fibrosis, has been widely studied. A good correlation between tissue Young's modulus and the degree of renal impairment has been established. However, the current limitation of this imaging modality pertains to the linear elastic assumption used in quantifying the stiffness of renal tissue in commercial shear wave elastography systems. As such, when underlying medical conditions such as acquired cystic kidney disease, which may potentially influence the viscous component of renal tissue, is present concurrently with renal fibrosis, the accuracy of the imaging modality in detecting chronic kidney disease may be affected. The findings in this study demonstrate that quantifying the stiffness of linear viscoelastic tissue using an approach similar to those implemented in commercial shear wave elastography systems led to percentage errors as high as 87%. The findings presented indicate that use of shear viscosity to detect changes in renal impairment led to a reduction in percentage error to values as low as 0.3%. For cases in which renal tissue was affected by multiple medical conditions, shear viscosity was found to be a good indicator in gauging the reliability of the Young's modulus (quantified through a shear wave dispersion analysis) in detecting chronic kidney disease. The findings show that percentage error in stiffness quantification can be reduced to as low as 0.6%. The present study demonstrates the potential use of renal shear viscosity as a biomarker to improve the detection of chronic kidney disease.