Evaluation of treatment and outcome for patients with haemophilia A and haemophilia B on extended half‐life (EHL) factor products: A 12‐month data analysis
Abstract Introduction Extended half‐life (EHL) factor VIII and IX concentrates as prophylaxis against bleeds have been available to selected persons with haemophilia (PWH) in Australia since March 2018. Preliminary analysis of switching to EHL demonstrated increased treatment adherence, fewer injections and improved bleeding outcomes. Aims To characterise clinical practices regarding the use of EHL in Australia, to further evaluate treatment regimens and bleeding outcomes, and to analyse the influence of EHL product pharmacokinetics on clinical decision‐making. Methods A national, retrospective study was conducted using the Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry (ABDR). Patients on EHL products during the entire 2019 calendar year were included for analysis. Results A complete and validated dataset of 174 PWH was analysed, 115 Haemophilia A (HA) and 59 Haemophilia B (HB). Adherence to EHL therapy was 85.7% in HA and 87.2% in HB. About 63.5% of HA and 64.4% of HB PWH reported zero spontaneous bleeds over 12months. Ankles were the most frequent spontaneous bleed site. Approximately one‐third patients underwent dose adjustments, with most frequent reasons being pharmacokinetics, body weight change and breakthrough bleeds. About 19.5% of PWH had target joint history, with spontaneous bleeds reported in 58% of that cohort on EHL. Multivariate regression showed significant impact of non‐adherence, target joint history and short half‐life on spontaneous bleeds in the HA cohort; however only short half‐life had significant impact in the HB cohort. Conclusion EHL usage in Australia shows excellent treatment adherence and bleeding outcomes. This study affirms the use and value of widely available population‐based pharmacokinetics as a clinical tool.