Weichang'an pill (WCAP) is a traditional Chinese patent medicine, which is clinically used for the treatment of bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia such as diarrhea, abdominal distension, and enteritis. So far, quality control studies of WCAP have mainly focused on the determination of chemical composition content, which has little relevance to biological activity and clinical effects. With the aim of identifying the multi-index ingredients with NF-κB inhibitory activities related to WCAP clinical effect, this present work described the chemical profile of WCAP by UHPLC-QE-MS, established the correlated relationship between chromatographic fingerprints and the NF-κB inhibitory activities based on multivariate statistical analysis, including hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA), Pearson correlation analysis, and Partial least squares regression analysis (PLSR). The spectrum-effect relationship analysis indicated 10 compounds, which were ferulic acid, naringin, narirutin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, aloe emodin, emodin, honokiol, magnolol, and physcion, might be the potential NF-κB inhibitory constituents in the pill. The NF-κB inhibitory effects of the ten compounds were verified by in vitro dual luciferase reporting detection system. Considering that the detection index should be representative of more medicinal materials, a rapid and efficient UPLC-DAD method was eventually developed to determine the content of the 13 components. Our findings will provide data support for WCAP quality control and advance the understanding of the quality assessment of traditional Chinese patent medicines.