In the field of array sensing, researchers are committed to miniaturizing array sensing systems while ensuring the acquisition of multiple sensing information. Here, a new strategy called "stimulus responsive array sensing" was presented to obtain virtual multiple sensing without constructing multiple physical sensing units. Based on bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, where luciferase acts as the donor and temperature stimulus response polymers act as the receptors, by using only one sensing unit to output multiple stimulus responsive sensing signals in temperature dimension, an equivalent array sensing could be achieved. This strategy can distinguish and quantify a variety of proteins. More importantly, glucose responsive monomers were doped in polymers; thus, more virtual sensing units can be further increased to obtain more sensing signals, greatly increasing the accuracy of protein recognition, and it can also be used to differentiate several compositions of protein under different glucose concentrations in urine caused by different renal diseases. The results show the potential of the "stimulus responsive array sensing" for analyzing molecular compositions in complex biological systems and show a new tack in array sensing.