This research aimed to investigate the impact of various wall materials, namely, gum arabic (GA), maltodextrin (MD), and whey protein (WP) on the properties of Citrus reticulata essential oil (CREO) oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions. The wall materials were blended at varied rates to generate seven formulas. The GA showed the highest viscosity at a high shear rate of 80 s−1 (0.024 Pa s) and the highest molecular weight (406.44 KDa). The O/W emulsions showed significant variations in particle size (352.85–664.74 nm), polydispersity index (0.169–0.256), zeta potential (−57.27 to −56.68 mV), surface tension (30.71–43.55 mN/m), and viscosity (0.006–0.097 Pa s). This research showed that combining GA, MD, and WP as wall materials can produce emulsions with better qualities than those made with single-wall materials. Novelty impact statement In this study, the GA, MD, and WP were applied successfully to produce oil-in-water emulsions of CREO. These good properties broaden the applicability of CREO emulsions in foods. This combination is expected to be suitable for producing oil-in-water emulsions for many other essential oils.