Reduced carbon assimilation by trees is often considered to lower the overall carbon sink function of drought-stressed forests. However, soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks may respond differently to drought than ecosystem carbon flux dynamics, leading to imprecise predictions of soil carbon sequestration when one value is inferred from the other. As a major component of soil organic matter, SOC is the largest actively cycling terrestrial carbon reservoir, and thus fulfills various important ecosystem services. Yet, there is uncertainty about how SOC quantity and quality respond to drought in temperate forests. This study addressed the depth distribution of SOC stocks and soil organic matter stability in a forest exposed to artificial drought for five consecutive growing seasons below clusters of temperate mature deciduous beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and coniferous spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). In addition to SOC stock determination, we measured concentrations of water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC), performed density fractionation, and determined beta values of SOC (slopes of linear regressions between δ13C of soil and log-transformed SOC content throughout soil depth profiles). Following drought, SOC stocks down to 30 cm depth increased by a factor of 1.5 under P. abies while they did not change with drought under F. sylvatica. Under both species, SOC stocks in the mineral topsoil (0–5 cm soil depth) increased by >80 % with drought, increasing the relative contribution of this thin depth section to total SOC from 5 % to >30 %. At 5–15 cm soil depth, SOC stocks decreased with drought under F. sylvatica but not under P. abies. With drought, carbon in the free light fraction (fLF) increased under F. sylvatica but declined marginally under P. abies. Results from density fractionation and beta values suggest decreased soil organic matter stability under F. sylvatica and increased stability under P. abies. Greater SOC accumulation suggests that the belowground carbon sink strength of drought-stressed forests increases, which contrasts with reduced ecosystem carbon uptake under drought.