The aim of this study was to review current literature regarding the epidemiology of vestibular migraine (VM), patient presentation, pathogenesis, and treatment.VM is becoming an increasingly recognized condition in the United States, currently affecting 2.7% of people. Patients may experience vestibular symptoms, such as vertigo and imbalance, with or without other migrainous symptoms. Recent evidence has also shown that patients with VM are at higher risk for cochlear dysfunction, such as sudden deafness, sensorineural hearing loss, and tinnitus. The heritability and genetics are not well understood, and the pathogenesis may involve calcitonin gene-related peptide, which is also implicated in migraine headaches. A disease-specific patient reported outcome measure, the Vestibular Migraine Patient Assessment Tool and Handicap Inventory, was recently developed and validated. A limited number of controlled trials have assessed various therapies for VM, including triptans and beta-blockers. More data are needed to understand whether or not currently available migraine treatments are effective for VM.VM is a common etiology of vertigo and dizziness, presenting with a characteristic spectrum of symptoms. Early data suggest that migraine treatments may be helpful in some cases.