The desire for healthy living has created a crucial need for portable flexible health-monitoring devices based on biomaterials. Toward this end, we report a microsphere-structured hydrogel that uses bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a dielectric layer for capacitive pressure sensors. We developed a theoretical model that describes how stacking dielectric layers of spheres affects the performance of capacitive sensors. We also prepared a prototype sensor featuring the unique microsphere structure to create capacitive sensors with high sensitivity (360.91 strain sensitivity), excellent cyclical stability, and a long service life (over 5000 stretching–compression cycles). Furthermore, the design of the hydrogel sensor allows for easy integration into fabrics to create devices such as smart wristbands, which can collect a diverse range of health data. Thus, BSA-hydrogel-based sensors not only provide safe wearable devices but also advance the performance of high-sensitivity capacitive sensors.